Saturday, December 31, 2011
Going to the gym
I spent a lot of my break going to the gym . People that dont go to the gym never really realize how fun the gym really is . I love the inspirational classes . I really enjoy going to the afro boggie belly class. The class keeps my energy up and helps me stay positive. I even like going to the gym just to play basketball. It also gets my heartrate up and moving. Every one at the gym is so williing to help . If i see someone with a really strong body i ask them if they could consisder showung me how i could best get that way . Swimming is also a good way to build inner body strength. Two days ago I went to the gym and took the swimming class and first the instructor put on some music to get us happy. Then we stretched in the pool and the fun never stopped from there on. In all i love going to the gym it has so much to offer.
Movie happy
I love the movies but haven't been in a really long time. I'm super happy that i got a chance to go to the movies last night. My friends insisted that see a film called Sitter. I had no idea what this movie was about , i was in for it. The movie was about a teenage boy who loved his mother very much so when she decides to get on a date to "get her grove back" he has to baby sit some kids from across town. These kids are really rich and take advantage of that fact. He wants to go hang out with a girl from school because she promises that if he does whatever she says she will be his girlfriend. In the end of the movie he finds that his real friends are the kids that he baby sits. I can relate this movie to my life because i often have a hard time with realizing what things are most important in my life . In all i enjoyed this movie and its relation to my life.
My wiinter break was full of amazing experiences . My friends and fanily influence me in the best of ways. Im happy I get to spend this time with my friends and family. Im also very happy to spend this week and a day with food . This break was filled with sweets and love. No matter how hard i try i cant help but to think about my dog that just passed., For the past 6 months my dog chaos has been having constant seizers . On tuesday lilttle chaos spent his last night on earth. So on Wednesday night I ran to my back yard and dug his grave . While I was digging I couldnt help but think of the book i recently just read called STIFF. I started to ponder over if gave his body to science how would I like it to be used. Then i stopped my self and relalized that i could never give my sweet chaos to science . I would just imagine his sweet little face as he used to watch me while I would cook, because he was just oh so sure that would get some. Long story short my dog is my world and I dont know how long its going to take for me to get over copping over his death.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Internship Readiness Blog Post
The qualities of someone who is internship ready are creativity, dependability , maturity and someone who displays an eagerness to learn. I plan to demonstrate internship readiness during module 3 by being creative and speaking up when I have an out of the box but useful idea.I want to show my managers, leaders and that I am dependable by always being on time , meeting deadlines and not missing days of work en less its a life or death situation at hand. I am going to show everyone that I come in contact with that I am mature by formulating my questions concise and clearly as to show off my professional skills. I will also let my confidence speak in my work and my poise and refrain from being unsure with humbleness.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
So far the best job Ive ever had was working at Baskin Robbins. I started working here my last year of high school to make a little extra money. Some of my primary responsibilities consisted of scooping ice cream for customers, keeping the establishment neat and clean, and last but not least working the cash register. The job was enjoyable for the most part, I had a innovative spirit. I was led to stay there for two in a haft years. As you could imagine there were some obvious incentives for working at Baskin Robbins. For one me and my co-workers often got free ice cream which is my passion and love. My family members knew how much I loved ice cream since I gained 45 extra pounds. I also enjoyed the connection me and my co-workers had. When It would rain outside we would talk about our lives, dance , sing etc. I became fond of our regular customers. I truly felt like I was making their say when I made the perfect banana split whether it was for couples to share or kids to drop on the floor and leave me to clean. Skills that I developed while working there were endurance, dedication, and submission. I believe these skills will surely help me on my internship. The worst job I ever had was at California Check Cashing Stores. My role as a teller meant that I had to do data entry, cash checks, give out pay day loans etc. Tax time was the worst time for me. People would come in to the facility attempting to cash counterfeit checks all the time. I would get death threats from some customers if I didn't cash them.My co-workers would leave to the break room and read magazines and flat iron their hair while we had long lines of inpatient customers. There were times where my co-workers would fight and embarrass us as a company. These fights would be long and drawn out with yelling cussing and fighting. so with in a matter of 5 months I quit. I did appreciate learning how to work with others who aren't the nicest people such as co-workers and customers. I learned how to be responsible for large amounts of money. Over all In so glad I quit because the work environment was not conducive to my professionalism.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The events in the past relate to the future in many ways. Specifically I want to focus on the commonality between the occupy movement and the great depression interpenetrated art piece created by Diego Rivera. Both events involves wealth and the improper use and destruction of it. Even though Diego's piece doesn't depict a group protesting, the need for it is clearly evident. The government needs to focus on its past in order to be successful in the future. Our involvement in war over the past years has severely hurt our economy as it did in the past.The middle portion of this mural in my own interpretation depicts people who are dead and starving and dying due to starvation. The picture also displays heartfelt sorrow because of the lost of ones possessions. These emotions are for sure simular to todays occupy movement. I thimk the occupy movement is trying to eduacate and make people aware of who holds the power in America. The occupy movement wants us to know that the rich keeps getting richer and aquire more things amongst more privileges. All the while the middle class sinks into the lower middle class and the lower middle class sinks into the poor. The bottom of the mural seem as if it were the begging of the market crash and when everyone started to lose there assets. I infered this from the people being in the bank and having gloomy appearances. Then the middle of the mural shows a security guard watching over the seemingly sick or dead ones. This probably occured after ones who were low class werent able to dish out money for the necessities of life like food shelter and the rest. Finally the top picture suggestes that the buildings are old and not maintained very well. In all the whole mural told a story of the gloomy past that we dont want to transform into a deadly future.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Productivity Moves Me
I love to surrond myself around people constantly use their time to be productive. Beng productive truely inspires me. My best friend who lives with me is a prime example of productivity. When I wake up and see that shes up eating breakfast reading somthing educational or informtive, it makes me feel guilty for laying in the bed doing nothing. It make me wonder why am I laying in the bed doing nothing worth while with my time. After all they say standing is better that sitting and sitting is better than laying down.Since my best friend has moved with me I have seen a complete change in my character. When I wake up now i make sure that I dont leavee the house without my bed being made. I now have good habits that I can attribute to her. I've noticed that I get more done when I wake up earlier in the day. Now when I when I wake up after ten I feel as If the whole day has gone by and then I feel worthless. I also enjoy hangging around people who are productive at YearUp. Some colleagues truely inspire me to keep going. How much of a loser would I be if I didnt push myself to the extreme and do the best work that I could possibly do. Keren a good friend in the program really inspires me to do my upmost best. I am amazed at how fast she is able to get her work done her favorite line is " girl you know i had to get it done." Which make me think Oh wow! I need to get my work done and get it done right away.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
RAZA was a community that I vastly enjoyed being a part of. To those who are not too keen on Spanish vocabulary RAZA means race. Race was the primary topic discussed during our weekly meetings. specifically we focused on the issues Hispanics face. For example, deportation laws and restricting citizenship amongst other important issues. We faithfully met every Mondayafter school. The 10 of us had a deep concern about these issues. The majority of the members were Hispanic. Only two other members were African American . As I have mentioned on previous post I love culture. Discovering cultures other my own motivate me to join communities such as these. Some major benefits of being apart of this group were constant but free Mexican dishes. Also I was rewarded by the support of others who had a general respect for you because you both have a base for association. All 10 of us often would go to different classes and colleges to present these issues in order to raise awareness in a larger community. Some things about this community that i didn't particularly like was the face the some of the group members would drop the ball. For example, so wouldn't like speaking in front of crowds when we needed to present certain material. Over all though I really enjoyed the experience. I would do it all over again if I had the chance to.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Plus And Delta For This Module
Some of the pluses that I would like to focus on would be the ambition I have to keep up with the heavy work load that was introduced to me during the last couple of weeks of module one. I pushed myself as far as I could, I felt like for the first time I explored new parts of my brain that had never been ventured before. I also would commend myself for having the energy to participate in all my classes. I like to extend my opinion to my colleagues often. I did so much better on my midterm and my final than I thought I could,which led me to believe that my mind has no limit and I can accomplish whatever I put all into. I would like to challenge myself to work on code switching in module two. I caught myself speaking in relaxed terms more often than occasionally. I will also strive to sometimes hold back and let others shine. Often I catch myself raising my hand to include myself in the discussion leaving no room for others who wish to have a hand in the conversation. I don't want to seem selfish in these regards, so in all I aspire to hold back just a tad and be balanced in my day to day affairs.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
My Neighborhood Has Shaped Me
I currently stay in a neighborhood that isn’t the prettiest or the nicest. I am surrounded all day with horrible people and horrible streets. I love this area for some strange reason. I don’t understand why I feel this way, since I strongly desire to move out the area. This neighborhood has shaped me in positive and negative ways. When I was in middle school I moved to East Oakland and attended Havenscourt middle school. When this experience first began I cried at the gates of my new school, because I was surrounded by seagulls picking up there lunch and spoiling my appetite for my own lunch. My school mates spoke a different version of English than that of what I did. I felt lost confused and wondered why everyone had such hatred for one another. Day after day I knew that I was going to have to make this situation work. As time went on I acquired friends and learned a different kind of English the kind my peers spoke. I’m naturally the type of person who enjoys the company of others, so I generally would be content on my own. Even though I enjoyed the school I attended, my neighborhood caused me a great deal of stress. When I would walk to school I would be mad that I didn’t bring a weapon along with me. Guys would literally jump out of their cars and try to throw me in there’s. I wasn’t used to this type of activity. One day I arrived to school early and I was given a chance to smoke which didn’t sound like too much of a bad idea since everyone else was doing it. I won’t tell whether I took my school mates up on that offer of or not. I didn’t learn much in class either the teacher wasn’t taking the class serious or the students weren’t which made for a bad learning environment. The things that were thought to me involved learning how to take care of myself, how to stand up for myself and how to adapt to different environments. I appreciate these tools that I can attribute to my former environment
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Business Week (The Poverty Business)
The companies who profit from low wage earners are increasing the severity of the opportunity divide because In recent years, a range of businesses have made financing more readily available to even the riskiest of consumers. This tactic in affect is to entice unsophisticated buyers to fall into a grave of debt. The fact that these shoppers are buried in lasting debt it makes it almost impossible for one to emerge from such a situation. Take into consideration the story of Roxanne Tsosie who was scammed into believing that she was moving up in the world by purchasing an automobile from a used car company called J.D. Byrider. She bought a used 1999 Saturn entirely on credit. As time goes on debt is getting more and more expensive and with that time the poor are being expected to pay more. Companies use the latest technology to assess whether the consumer is a credit risk or not companies like byrider check into people with slim spending money in order to entrap this customer into a spiraling effect of debt. These various companies know that they can get away with selling products that consist of loop holes because they are dealing with an uneducated market. This uneducated market will not raise any question if it sounds promising.
We definitely cannot leave it up to the credit card corporations to advise us how not to end up in these terribly stressful situations because they are powered by the money. These companies only tell you so much because they have to. It is unlawful to give a consumer false advertisement but these companies find slim ways to doop you into a future of no success so they can keep receiving money from you from the rest of your life. I heard a rumor that credit card companies hate a certain actor because he pays his bill on time every month. With this type of strict organization credit cards would only make a small profit so it is initially up to us as citizens of this country to educate ourselves on the loop holes of our system.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My Bio
I would like to start off by saying diversity moves me. I am passionate about all aspects of culture. Inspired by my desire to travel the world, watching the food network is like an amusement park for me. Not just because food is featured, but because you enter a whole array of cultures that are described through the dishes created. In my future fairy tale, my dream career would be to be a food critic. I love food, culture and trying new things. Food critics have the privilege to travel the world and eat all kinds of food while doing it. How fortunate they are. Let me go to a foreign country and eat a snake caught from the wild! I would describe my family and community as proactive attitude enforcers. My immediate family encourages me to spend the majority of my time wisely. I don’t always adhere to the given advice though. I don’t really have specific hobbies but I really enjoy just being with my family. Survival without my family is impossible; they appreciate and support my views. My biggest motivation in life is comfortability. I want to die in a stage of content because I know that I ventured the world. I want to be comfortable in this struggling economy knowing that I have the skills to have a measure of stability in the workplace. Also I want to be comfortable in knowing I succeeded in bridging the gap between my fears and accomplishments. I am a humble learner and an active listener.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Current Event Post,Nurses at dozens of California hospitals stage strike
Today nearly 23,000 registered nurses at 34 Northern and Central California hospitals are participating in the one day strike. Kaisers nurses received a three year contract that went into effect on September 1, 2011.The nurses are protesting what they say are unfair labor practices and a failure to protect patient care standards. Kaiser is one of the largest health care providers in the nation, providing plans to more than 6 million Californians alone is limiting the ability of nurses to afford health insurance. The nurses are hoping that this statewide strike will help provide them some leverage in the next round of contract talks.
Hospital death rates increase by about one fifth when nurses go on strike, according to a working paper the NB-ER published today. There is one additional death for every 286 patients admitted to the hospital during a strike. I personally view this whole fiasco as being ridiculous. Really, what is this world coming to? Now nurses who work in the medical field have to fight for their own medical. It used to be that if you went to school and strive for something worthwhile that you would end up with a pretty good job medical and all. Now it’s something that you are fortunate to have! On the other hand I believe that it is somewhat selfish of the nurses themselves to go on strike. I only say this because the Companies are only insisting to make minor cut backs. Nurses are paid enough anyhow to pay for insurance it might not be the best insurance in town but it’s medical. There are many sick people around, just think of the inconveniences of these sick individuals. These hospitals have to improvise with what staff they do have. All I can say is that this is a sticky situation.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Shayona Williams Writers Workshop
I attended Skyline High school in Oakland,Ca. The environment at this school contended of what you made it. What I mean is that if you wanted to learn you could, if you wanted to be uneducated you could do this also. The vibe of the school was very relaxing my Senior year no one came to me and said "hey do want to go to college?" No one informed me that SAT'S must be taken in able for one to be considered at an University.If I really wanted to be in college I had to ask around,search for resources in order to obtain the basic knowledge in order to be successful. My teachers were extremely laid back when it came to expectations and order. I will not expand on my educators names, but in one of my classes my classmates would swing from light ledges and act completely absurd. I would even be welcomed to class by the disturbing sent of drugs and alcohol. I pushed myself and entered mostly AP classes which let me excel more than my other classmates so in all my judgement is that its all up to you!!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Blog Post #1 Prompt Response
In respose to the prompt I feel as if the human behaviour in relation to speech can go both ways. I believe that any young persons use of language can be inflicted by his or her parents or his or her peers. To explain my reasoning I will use myself. Growing up in a suburb community with my mother I found myself using terms that made me seem smarter than the average bear.If I used any word in contrast to these I would be reminded by my teacher and neighbors the "correct way " to express myself. In my opinion this was done in an extreme manner. For example, if I would say "can I have some ice cream" I would be corrected "no,no,no" "may I please have some ice cream". I later moved with my father to a not so suburb of an area In which the schools slang was the norm.I wanted to be like my peers so I started talking like my peers. So my point generally speaking is that I spoke how I wanted to. It was so tempting to speak like my peers not just because I liked to hear myself sound "cool" but because I finally understood the complicated slang language my peers spoke.
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